Think you're judgment proof? Creditors may obtain a judgment against you to try to come after your property if and when you become solvent again.
What's the cost of living in Los Angeles? Find the average prices on utilities, food, car insurance, gas, sales tax, and more in Southern California.
Wage garnishment is one way creditors can collect debts without your help — they just go straight to your employer. What are your rights in regards to wage garnishment in California? How long does it take to garnish wages after judgment, and who can garnish wages? Stop wage garnishment today by filing for bankruptcy.
Is it really worth reading the whole thing? Here are five reasons not to skip the small print when it comes to your credit card contract.
Are you considering filing bankruptcy in the Los Angeles metro area, but aren’t sure where the court is located? Check out this guide.
Most people who file for bankruptcy in L.A. are able to keep all their property thanks to the flexibility of the California bankruptcy exemptions.